People usually write books about themselves in order to put themselves in a good light, and tear down other around them. Paul's band mates Ace and Peter did that (more so in Peter's case). So I expected that from Paul's side here. Well, there is a little of it, but not near as much as I expected.
When I read the Peter Criss biography, at times I felt sorry for him and the way he was treated by Gene and Paul (at least from his perception of things), but for the bulk of his book I just shook my head thinking what a total loser he was to continue time and time again to screw things up in his self-destructive life. He was an addict and abused drugs, and let it screw up his career. Understanding how his self-destructive lifestyle was in his own words, it has to make you wonder just how much of his "stories" about band abuse are remembered clear enough to be accurate.